Be Aware of Your Thoughts

How can I free myself? : I Wasn't always Free

July 16, 2023 Minister Dr. Cynthia Marie Whitley Season 2 Episode 49

Watch The Wiz on Netflix and then Read and Explore: Take your journey with "The Wiz" one step further by delving into the accompanying book, Looking For Self In All The Wrong Places, by Dr. Gershonah Cynthia Whitley. Uncover the hidden depths and nuances of the story, as the book provides additional insight, character development, and thought-provoking details that will enhance your understanding and appreciation of this beloved tale.
 Expand Your Horizons: By watching the movie and reading the book, you'll gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world of "The Wiz." Discover new layers of meaning, explore the characters' innermost thoughts, and immerse yourself in the rich storytelling that awaits within the pages of the book.
Link to Free chapter:
Link to complete book: Looking for Self In 'All The Wrong Places

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